Eligibility and Rules
World CineX
The World CineX, and its Forum, are intended not only to celebrate and award the best of global Cinema every year, but to support the incredible communal experience that only a movie theater and a “live” audience can give. That’s a fundamental element of our society and that’s the reason why only films that have a theatrical distribution are eligible for the nominations at the World CineX Awards. We are fully commited to support exclusively the theatrical exhibition.
We believe this is the best and the most precise way in the World to award the best movies and the best cinematic performances.
Here below are listed the four main rules:
1) A film must have a theatrical distribution of two consecutive weeks in at least one country of each of the six continents. For example, a distribution could simply be the following: USA (North America), Brazil (South America), Italy (Europe), South Africa (Africa), Japan (Asia) and Australia (Oceania).
2) For theatrical distribution we accept both nationwide and limited releases, with at least three movie theaters/screens in any available national territory, as long as it has a two-weeks consecutive release in at least one country per continent.
3) A film must have received at least 65% of positive reviews from the global press in order to be eligible for a nomination. For “global press” we mean: official reviews from outlets of all the Countries where the film has been theatrically released.
4) A film can be released as early as January 1 and no later than December 31 to compete for the current year. In early January, a first round of global voting will determine the nominations in all the categories, while by February a second round of global voting will determine all the winners that will be declared during the World CineX Awards show in Los Angeles shortly after.